As IoT and 5G are coming swiftly, and we will be relying on them heavily, the reliability of IoT and 5G electronics, including sensors, transducers, antenna, embedded software, data storage, etc, are crucial because the failure of any of them will render malfunction of the system. This project is leverage on the strength of Indian and Malaysian students working on communication and electronics to work on the above-mentioned topic. The main source of TEEP will be from India, and we hope to establish a platform for IoT and 5G reliability in preparation for the increasing needs them, building on the reliability test facilities and know-how my centre possesses. This is also the first of its kind at least for Asia. 6 or more different projects related to the above-mentioned subject matter will be given to the students, depend on the available funding given. Both hands-on practical and simulation will be performed, and small IoT and 5G gadget will be purchased for establishing the reliability platform. From these projects, we open an emerging area for students in response to the coming technology, and they will be prepared for the blooming industry of IoT and 5G which are coming strong quickly, and we can also make Taiwan the first in reliability investigation for IoT and 5G system in Asia. The expected deliverable from this TEEP program will be 2 papers on the subject matters presented internationally, and the establishment of the test platform.
- Field: Engineering
- School: Chang Gung University
- Organizer: Center for Reliability Sciences & Technologies
- Period of Apply: Please contact us to confirm the period of application!
- Term: Please contact us!
- Contact Person:Prof. Cher Ming Tan
- Phone:03-2118800 #5952