Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) have become highly international attention technologies in further development. The CJCU TEEP Asia Plus program would like to recruit aggressive students from Asian Countries to get training to establish UAV/UAS capability into industry. This program will offer core course training such as (1) UAV design ad implementation, (2) UAS integration and performance, (3) UAV Flight and Maneuvering, (4) UAS Traffic Management (UTM) Technology and System Operation, (5) UAV Applications into several main domains.
- Field: Engineering
- School: Chang Jung Christian University
- Organizer: Bachelor Degree Program of Applied Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology
- Period of Apply: Please contact us to confirm the period of application!
- Term: Please contact us!
- Contact Person:Prof. Chin E. Lin
- Email:chinelin@mail.cjcu.edu.tw
- Phone:+886-6-2785123 ext.6304