We intend to initiate an International Youth Agro-Env Watch (IYAW) Program in Southeast Asia region, and are looking for your participation in the near future. Each participant will be paid 12,000 NTD/month and needs to fulfill some tasks if joins in.
(1) Tasks need to be fulfilled including (a) taking short-term lessons in Chinese/English conversion, Agriculture and Environment protection, and value-added agricultural technologies, (b) studying an assigned special topic in group, and (c) practicing veggie planting, and (d) participating in the IYAW group as a member.
(2) 2-3 grad or undergrad candidates wanted. Each may stay 4-6 month at your convenience.
(3) Place to stay: National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (First Campus) or its adjacent area.
(4) Potential expenditures when you come including (but not limited to): living costs (room and food, around 6-8,000 NTD/month), lecture fees (less than 5,000 NTD in total), and transportation fee (including airfare, bus, etc.). Further questions, please contact Chen at shyitien@nkust.edu.tw. Thank you very much.
- Field: Agriculture & Fishery
- School: National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
- Organizer: Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering
- Period of Apply: Please contact us to confirm the period of application!
- Term: 4-6 months
- Contact Person:Professor Tim Chen
- Email:shyitien@nkust.edu.tw
- Phone:+886-7-601-1000 ext.32327