This project focuses on the research of network protocol design and applications/services for the next generation wireless mobile networks, i.e., 5G/6G. The theme and research topics for the students are as follows. Cloud server-based computing cannot meet the real-time requirement in some applications/services because it is too far away from the client site. A new paradigm called Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is defined for the next generation wireless mobile network, i.e., 5G/6G, to tackle the real-time concern, for which some MEC servers are allocated in the mobile network’s edge, e.g., each 5G’s/6G’s Base Station (BS) or several BSs are associated with one MEC server, to shorten the network delay to reach the goal of real-time requirement.
Two main research topics are as follows:
1) MEC-based Offloading from 4G/5G cellular network to IEEE 802.11p Wireless Network, i.e., handoff between 5G/6G Base Station (BS) and IEEE 802.11p Road Side Unit (RSU) in the vehicular network environment.
2) MEC-based Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) offloading based on the ad hoc path over the MEC-based vehicle network environment.
- Field: Engineering
- School: National Cheng Kung University
- Organizer: Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
- Period of Apply: Please contact us to confirm the period of application!
- Term: Please contact us!
- Contact Person:Prof. Chung-Ming Huang