Title: Natural science and Chinese language learning at National Changhua University of Education
Keywords: Physics, biology, Chinese language learning, Taiwan cultures
1. Chinese language learning and Taiwan culture experience:
(1). 2 months (72 hrs) Chinese language course.
(2). 1 week Taiwan culture experience
(3). Campus activities
(4). Serving as volunteers at rural schools
(5). Experiencing indigenous cultures (ex: traditional food, architecture)
2. Professional interns including the following topics:
(1). Applications of Liquid crystal and liquid crystal-dispersions in displays, optical systems, green energy devices. (Dr. Chi-Yen Huang, chiyen@cc.ncue.edu.tw)
(2). Applications of holographic materials and materials for augmented reality, waveguide of head-mounted displays, and projection displays. (Dr. Wei-Chia Su, wcsu@cc.ncue.edu.tw)
(3). Designs of micro-optics devices, photonics crystals, acoustic crystals, meta-materials. (Dr. Fu-Li Hsiao, fulihsiao@cc.ncue.edu.tw)
(4). Quantum-electronics devices, devices for quantum computations. (Dr. Cen-Shawn Wu, wucs@cc.ncue.edu.tw)
(5). Flexible and organic semiconductor devices. (Dr. Yu-Wu Wang, wangyw@cc.ncue.edu.tw)
(6). Screening, evaluation, and selection of yeasts with plant growth-promoting traits from protected plants/crops as potential bio-fertilizer (or any topics of microbial ecology) (Dr. Jui-Yu Chou, jackyjau@cc.ncue.edu.tw)
(7). Plant-Microbe interactions (Dr. Shih-Feng Fu, sffuplant@cc.ncue.edu.tw, http://blog.ncue.edu.tw/sffuplant)
3. Intern period: 6 months
4. Intern positions: 8
5. Internship: NTD$ 15,000 per month.
6. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and curriculum vitae to professor listed after each topic before the deadline (please contact us to confirm the period of application).
- Field: Nature Science
- School: National Changhua University of Education
- Organizer: Graduate Institute of Photonics
- Period of Apply: Please contact us to confirm the period of application!
- Term: 6 months
- Contact Person:Prof. Jui-Yu Chou
- Email:jackyjau@cc.ncue.edu.tw
- Phone:886-4-7232105 ext. 3428