

Environmental Biotechnology & Biorefinery Lab of National Sun Yat-sen University is a diverse research group comprising scientists and students with different backgrounds and focuses primarily on producing bioenergy or biomass-based materials. Our research tools include physicochemical analysis of plant-based polymer structure, bioconversion to hydrolysis, and different pretreatment processes. We will provide the knowledge of green energy, including renewable energy technology, low-carbon life and biorefinery process. The innovative green technologies of bioenergy production, nanotechnology, and environmental biotechnology will also be introduced and practiced. Several professional skill training will be provided in advance by experienced teachers or students, and the team will hold weekly progress meetings with the teacher.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between innovative and emerging disciplines of biorefinery. The group has extensive experimental facilities, collaborations and provides ideal platforms to discuss new and innovative strategies in the field of biomaterials and bioenergy.

We will host three graduate students for six months in the coming year. If you are specifically interested in the area of biorefinery, renewable energy or environmental engineering, welcome to apply. It is an excellent opportunity for you to learn green technology and experience different cultures.

Eligibility: Students pursuing Master/Doctoral studies with any specialization in Environmental Engineering, Material, Energy, or any other related fields.

  • Field: Nature Science
  • School: National Sun Yat-sen University
  • Organizer: Institute of Environmental Engineering
  • Period of Apply: Please contact us to confirm the period of application!
  • Term: 6 months
  • Tuition Fee: Please contact us!
  • Contact Person:Prof. Chang