

Our laboratory is specialized in surface nanoscience and surface scanning probe microscopy. For this internship, the participants will be involved in the fabrication and characterization of 2D materials such as graphene and transitional metal dichalcogenides(TMD). These materials will be either single crystals or ultrathin films made by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD). For characterization, atom-resolved scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy, optical Raman spectroscopy are used. Photoemission and theoretical analysis are done through collaboration. At present, we are most interested in functionalization of graphene and TMDs, and the studies of charge density waves and thickness-dependent properties of TMDs.

The intern students will receive training in vacuum sciences, fabrication of 2D materials, and the operation of scanning probe microscopes including atomic force microscope and scanning tunneling microscope. The applicants should have some background in physics, or chemistry, or materials sciences, or engineering. The applicants will work under the supervision of experienced laboratory PhD students and postdocs. The applicants can apply for an internship duration of 3 to 8 months. A maximal monthly allowance of NTD $15000 is provided. The students are qualified for lower cost on-campus housing at the NTU international student house, based on availability. 

  • Field: Nature Science
  • School: National Taiwan University
  • Organizer: Center for condensed matter sciences
  • Period of Apply: Please contact us to confirm the period of application!
  • Term: 3~8 months
  • Tuition Fee: Please see the program description or contact us!
  • Contact Person:Prof. Woei-Wu Pai
  • Phone:+886-2-33665252