Mineral Processing Laboratory (MP Lab) welcomes interested students in doing internship at National Taipei University of Technology. Our lab focuses on “Geopolymer Materials”, which are class of three-dimensionally networked alumino-silicate materials and also have great fire resistant and mechanical properties. Besides that, these materials have the advantage such as easily-obtain raw materials, simple production process, no high-temperature process, and making only at room temperature, etc. As a consequence, the geopolymer materials have received a lot attention and has considerable potential for developing into environmentally friendly green materials.
Our lab possesses 20-year research experience, and we look forward to sharing this in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Oceania countries to establish their research foundation. The selected students will undergo 6 months of internship training in our lab through lecturing, seminars, oral presentations, and experiments. In addition to training students' research experience on geopolymer materials, they will also learn team cooperation and improve Taiwanese student’s English ability to promote internationalization.
- Field: Nature Science
- School: National Taipei University of Technology
- Organizer: Institute of Mineral Resources Engineering
- Period of Apply: Please contact us to confirm the period of application!
- Term: 6 months
- Tuition Fee: Please contact us!
- Contact Person:Prof. Ta-Wui Cheng
- Email:twcheng@ntut.edu.tw
- Phone:+886-2-27712171 ext.2730